In Memorium Colonel Robert N. Tredway
Cavalier 6
Thanks Julie Kink
Thanks Sonny Boles
Thanks Julie Kink
Early this morning - Bob Tredway quietly passed away.
Bob has been unconcious for two days, but he went peacefully. Anne is still overwhelmed with phone calls, etc. I know that she will want to hear from you - but I will suggest that you send a snail mail message that she can hold and keep to read later as she is able.
No arrangements or decisions as to funeral home, wake, grave locations or services have yet been made. Our hearts to Anne!
Stand up and remove your hats - because one of our own is passing by!
-Mark Hilton 3/10/09
... I'm forwarding this to a select group who will appreciate the impact of this event upon us all. The thread is intact from this morning.
Bob Tredway served a commander in the famed 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division in Viet Nam. The 1/9 fielded a potent unit of scouts, trackers, and ready reaction assault forces known as "the Blues." Its aviation assets included the classic OH-6, the Huey, and the Cobra gunship. This unit established a record of exemplary battlefield excellence and camaraderie. Bob was a respected warrior and alumnus of the 1/9, but even more he was a quiet, fine gentleman who loved the military and his country without reservation.
I had the great pleasure to meet Bob initially during our board service as we struggled to stand up CHPA from a concept to reality. I'll just say that during my life, if five such men cross my path I may consider myself blessed. Humanity has lost a major asset this day.
Thank you for allowing me to share just a few words of testimony about this man. I feel it is the least I can do in his memory.
-Rhea Rippey (229th) via Ross Rainwater (3/11/09)
I am deeply sorrowed by the passing of Bob Tredway. He was a good man and an outstanding Commanding Officer. I was there when he took over the Troop after Major Felton and there when he left the Troop and turned it over to Maj Rosher. He was fearless. He was tough. He was fair. I have been chewed out by him and I was praised by him.
I don't know if I deserved any praise but there were times I certainly deserved an ass chewing. He could do both very good. Having that big guy stand over you and ream you out was scary. I crashed his new Charlie Model and I dreaded facing him after being checked out at the aid station but all he was concerned about was me and the crew being OK. I can remember that like it was yesterday.
I flew a lot with Bob. He would push the seat all the way back and lower it to the floor and he still sat high in the saddle. When I was Blue there were a couple of times he would land his helicopter out in the middle of nowhere just to check out what was going on and talk to me. I think he figured if the Blues were sticking their ass out on the ground he could do the same. I believe he also thought the Blues could protect him if something happened. Bob Tredway was one hell of a man and I'm going to miss him. It just won't be the same without Bob being at our reunions. I think he loved Charlie Troop and every Charlie Trooper loved him cause they knew how he felt. God Bless Bob and God Bless Anne for taking care of him.
-John Mackle 3/11/09
Please convey my deepest sympathy and prayers to Anne and her family. I remember being at the 2000 reunion with my husband Phil and meeting the Treadway's. They were both so gracious and kindhearted. Bob will surely be missed.
-Lynnette Norton(widow of C-trooper, Phil Norton) 3/12/09
My thoughts and prayers go out to Ann and the family. Bob preached his own funeral and it will follow along with us our entire life. He lived all that he preached and God bless and keep you all.
-Sonny Boles 3/12/09
I did not know Bob but want to express my sympathy and condolences to all of you that did. I especially want to pray for comfort for his family.
-Michael Choate 3/12/09
Kim and I have been blessed in having you and Anne so close. You shall be missed by all of us.
-Mark H Hilton 3/13/09
Cavalier 6, as I knew him 40 years ago, was as fine an officer as you would ever find, and I proudly served with him during his command of "Charlie Troop". He was well thought of by all the troops, and a better roll model you would never find. My condolences to Anne and other Family members, as well as those who served with him. Farewell Bob Treadway.
Cavalier 16
-Doug Ashworth 3/13/09
We have lost a great friend and leader with the passing of Bob Tredway. He will be missed by all he has touched in his life's travels. May he rest in peace and go with God.
-Fred & Barb Joles 3/13/09
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to all of Mr. Tredway's family, friends and military comrades. May loving memories sustain each of you and may time heal your sorrow.
With respect and sincerest sympathy,
Love, Hugs and Prayers for all,
Tom and Karen Betts
C Troop 1/9 1966-1967
-Tom and Karen Betts 3/13/09
It's hard to say goodbye to someone who was not only a leader to his troops but also a friend and mentor to them and their families. I am so fortunate to have known him and to have spent many great times with Bob and Anne at reunions and at their home. He has left the vivid air signed with his honor. Cheers, Bob. I will never forget.
-Julie Kink 3/13/09
I met Bob in 1966, and served with him during two tours in Viet-Nam, much of that time as his tent/hooch mate so I can say with some certainty that, "He was a good man".
His knowledge, experience, common sense, wits, humor, courage and integrity are just a few of the things he had going for him that made him a tremendous friend and metor. Ilah and I will miss him. Our condolinces to Anne and other Family members as well as all of the Troopers that served with him.
-Galen Rosher 3/13/09
Thoughts & Prayers to Bob Tredway's family .... and all who served with him and all who met him...
-Cecelia Vaught (sister of deceased trooper David Dzwiglaski {Davski}] 3/13/09
I did not know Col Bob Tredway. I can tell by looking at his picture the kind of man he was. He was tall, straight and strong. He was tall about being able to serve in the US Army. He was strong in his love for his family. He was straight in his talk to other men. They knew where they stood with him by his words. He was strong in his faith. His faith in his family and comradirie. He will truely be missed by his family and all of those who came in contact with him.
-Patrick & Carol Bieneman
Karen and I send our deepest condolences. Knowing Bob made you want to stand a little taller and feel a little prouder. Anne and the family will remain in our prayers.
-Jack & Karen Schwarz 3/13/09
Too often we take those around us lightly. Had I not known Bob my time in the troop would not have meant as much. He always lead with dignity and a calm and wisdom that made us want to do our best. 6 you will always be remembered by myself and my family.
Barney, Pam and Erin.
-Ron Vestal 3/14/09
I never had the honor of serving with Bob, but I have talked to many who have. The true measure of a leader and the man can be determined by how those who followed him speak of him. All I've talked to have nothing but the highest regard for Bob. In the relatively short time I've known him, Bob, even while dealing with his personal problems, always placed the mission, the task at hand, above himself. He was a constant, a valued source of wisdom and calm consideration that will long be remembered by all who knew him. Anne and family, may God grant you peace and understanding and may memories hold you and comfort you. On behalf of all the members of the Combat Helicopter Pilots Association.
-Jay Brown 3/14/09
I have just found out about Bob Tredway's passing having been in a corner of the world for the last 5 days with no internet access. There are simply no words that can describe the sadness and loss I am feeling. He was one of the rocks in my foundation for the last 40 years.
I'll never forget the first time I saw him walking across the AO from the Hqs to our operations shack. The comment I made to Curt "Charlie" Lewis at the time was that we were getting John Wayne as our new 6. As it turned out, Bob was more John Wayne than John Wayne ever was. Some leaders grab headlines becoming famous in the process, but I believe that some of the greatest do not do that. They simply lead their men quietly and with a purpose that makes their soldiers willing to excel no matter the circumstance. Bob Tredway was one of those leaders and I feel fortunate to have had him as a commander and friend.
In 4 days I will take a group of warriors and their families to the most inaccessible battlefield of WWII for them to remember lost comrades and to also remember great victories. Tom Brokaw called these men the "Greatest Generation", but knowing soldiers like Bob and the remainder of his C Troop, I believe they were no greater than we were. They just fought a different war against a different enemy. I owe Bob more than I can ever repay and will miss him sorely. God bless him and his family.
-John Powel 3/14/09
We are deeply saddened to hear of Bobs passing. Anne, you and Bob have touched our hearts in so many ways.
Not only have we lost a wonderful friend, but a fine gentleman and leader.
Its sad the leaders of today do not have the same compassion or other fine qualities that Bob effortlessly possessed.
Rhonda and I fondly look back at the gathering at your home last October with the Byers and the Hiltons, and Bob giving us that little smile with twinkling eyes while he discussed the wardrobe you had acquired for dressing Connie Anne so delightfully during holidays and special occasions.
We hope that you and your family accept our sympathy and condolences.
If there is anything we can do please let us know.
-Sam & Rhonda Hinch 3/15/09
How does one put into words the feeling of loss we experience when we lose somebody like Bob?
Bob was every soldier's dream commander, a respected leader, a thoughtful mentor and, above all, a devoted friend.
Bob loved not only his troops, but also our wives and our children and he was the same gentleman to them as he was to us. I will never forget Bob and Anne flying to Alaska for my son's high school graduation. What an honor for my whole family!
Anne, please know at this time of loss and transition that Bob is in a better place, pain free and he will continue to be a shining light in all of our lives.
I am deeply saddened by Bob's passing and feel very blessed to have had him in the lives of the entire Charlie Troop family.
Hand salute, Six!
-Randy Zahn 3/15/09
This message is for the family of Bob Tredway. So sorry for such a great loss. I'm sure he will be greatly missed and forever remembered by his family and the men he served with. May God bless his loved ones.
-Jalene Dinsmore Matthews (daughter of Del Dinsmore '66-67) 3/15/09
I wish you could have seen the throngs that turned out for Bob Tredway's funeral yesterday. He clearly touched a lot of lives, and the stories told about him revealed just what a good man we've lost.
The event (for I don't know what else to call it) was at a staid funeral home in DC. I got there about an hour into the two-hour "Viewing and Reception" and was shown upstairs. There I met Bob's oldest daughter and signed the guest book. From there it was into the room where Bob lay in an open casket, in his dress blues with all his ribbons topped by a Silver Star, with his Cav Hat propped on a corner, the unit crests of the 9th Cav and, it appeared, every other unit he ever was in. Around the room were poster boards with pictures of Bob at various stages of his life, a shadow box with all his awards (probably from when he retired), the 50th anniversary yearbook from his West Point class of 1958, and a scrapbook of his life. An adjacent room held a bar and tables of food, more poster boards with pictures, and stacks of 5x8 cards on which people were invited to jot down their memories of Bob for posting on a cork board.
Thanks Nate ShafferPeople there ranged from quite young to quite old. I quickly found Babysan and Bill Moeller, plus a C Troop scout named Nate Shaffer. Bob's crewchief from C Troop, Harold Reeg, flew up from Florida. And there were others there representing the Combat Helicopter Pilots Association. I wore my CHPA pin, which Bob gave me when I joined, or should I say when he "persuaded" me to join -- that happened when I covered your table while you went to the Wall during the VHPA reunion in DC.
At four o'clock they moved us downtairs to the chapel, and a crowd of I would guess at least 200 listened and laughed as people stood and told stories about Bob. They ranged from West Point classmates to family to neighbors, and the picture they all painted of Bob Tredway is one you would be proud of. Mark spoke on behalf of those who served with Bob in combat, and he wove together his own respect for Bob with quotes from emails sent by Walker and others. Anne spoke, and it easy to see why Bob loved her. What a gracious lady.
A bagpiper closed things out, piping first "Amazing Grace" and then "Garry Owen" (a cavalry tune, most fitting to the occasion).
Now comes the long wait until Bob can be laid to rest in Arlington. It's a commentary on the times that the wait is so long. The World War II generation is going fast, leading to a backlog, and the dead from Iraq and Afghanistan take priority.
This was just meant to give you the flavor of a day I am sure you wanted to be here for. Rest assured, you were missed.
-Jim Kurtz 3/16/09
Hi Jim,
I can't thank you enough for your detailed reporting on the events. It gives me peace to know there was such a great turnout, that Anne spoke, that there was time to share stories and my goodness, to have seen Bob in his dress blues with everything on must have really been something. I don't know if I would have wanted to see him, but it must have been really impressive.
I've been out of sorts since learning Thursday morning of the funeral date, selfishly blaming my coworkers for not being able to cover an adoption meeting I had to speak at Saturday morning. There were other impediments to my scrambling to get out there that fast, but if someone had been willing to rearrange their schedule for me on this end, I would have tried to overcome the rest.
Nate Shafer, who served in C Troop after Bob's time, called me Friday to say he and his wife were driving there to DC and that made me feel a whole lot better. I knew Bob's crew chief, little Harold Reeg, flew out for the funeral. He was always so proud of having flown with Bob.
You wrote up the details like a newspaper reporter. I'm so grateful to know things went smoothly. I really would have liked to hear all those stories. Some of the C Troopers posted on the listserve their memories of serving with Bob, which I forwarded to Mark in case they could help with his part.
I'll be in Philadelphia for the VHPA reunion, had planned to return home July 4 but now I'll stay, ride from Philly to DC probably with Galen & Ilah Rosher (another C Troop CO) or Jim & Diane Pressman (one of the C troop pilots from Bob's & my brother's time) and attend the July 6 Arlington Ceremony. Then leave for home from DC either the evening of July 6 or July 7. I'm not sure how long the Arlington doings is likely to last - do you know from past experience?
Bob was like another father to me for these 12 years. We had many talks during the times I stayed at their house while in DC, and I remember him early on asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. (Of course I was already grown up!) I remember so many other things he told me - like how he decided to go back to VN a second time because he felt he had something to contribute and could save more lives - spoken not egotistically at all, but with the certainty of a leader who was rightfully confident in his abilities. He told me about what it was like for him to write a letter to my mother about David's death - one of the first men he lost. I realize it must have taken him some courage to come here and meet my mom in 2004. I am so glad he did.
One of the times when I was their guest - I think it was 2001, just two months after September 11th - a plane crashed in New York (?) and of course it made the nation quite jumpy that morning, so soon after the tragedy - I remember Bob switching the television off the minute I came down for breakfast that morning before we left for the airport. A simple action but again, showing the sort of leadership that allowed his troops and his friends to do what they needed to do. He didn't want me worrying on the way to the airport.
Well I've gone on way too long. But I've been looking for a recap of the funeral and yours is the first I've seen so - THANK YOU. I will sleep better tonight.
(Jim & Mark) How did you feel Anne was doing? Whenever you get a chance, I'm sure you need to get caught up now.
You both done good.
-Julie Kink 3/16/09
We have just returned home from D.C. after attending the Memorial Service for Bob Tredway. Mark Hilton spoke on behalf of the Charlie Troop 1/9th
Thanks Nate ShafferCavalry family. There were several people who shared their memories of Bob and when all was done, it was evident that Bob treated everyone the same, with respect and love. Mark spoke about Bob in a way that could only have come from his heart. We were so proud of Mark and how he represented the troop family. Speaking at such a somber time is not easy and Mark was able to take charge as Bob would have liked and expected of Mark . I'm sure it would be a thumbs up from Bob. At the closing of Marks remembrance of Bob, he proudly turned, snapped to attention, and saluted Bob Wow!!! many tears, Thanks Mark wonderful job.....Ann was quite a trooper and was able to make everyone feel at ease (as Ann always can do), but we do need to keep her and Bob's children in our prayers, we all know they will miss him terribly.
Col. Tredway, We will miss you, but never forget you.
-Nate & Tiz Shaffer 3/16/09
Dear all,
(Below) are the comments that I offered during our portion of the service memorial for Bob. I did a little bit of ad-libbing and I strayed from the prepared remarks - but this is essentially what I said. All of your notes and comments helped me put together something that fit into the 5 minute time frame we were given. I hope that "our" remarks gave some comfort to Anne and the family.
Of course Kim and I were there. We were joined by Nate & Tiz Shaffer who drove in from Ohio, Harold & Sue Reeg flew in from Florida and Bill Moeller and Nannie came in from Virginia. But we were also joined by Jim Kurtz from A Troop, who also represented the Bullwhip Squadron and Steve Reilly who along with Bob started and grew the Combat Helicopter Pilot Association (CHPA).
There were about 200 people there and at the end a bag piper came out faced the audience and played "Amazing Grace" Then he turned and faced Bob's casket while he played "Garry Owen". I'm sure that none of the family knew that tune's significance and probably none of the West Point Cadet classmates - but all of us Cav men and women did and we were heartened by tune and the way in which the bagpiper subtly showed his respect.
It has been almost a week and I am still saddened, perhaps, it was because Bob and Anne came to see me so many times while I was in the hospital, or perhaps it is just because I miss him.....but know this - we are all the poorer for his passing.
With sadness, but respect and regards to all,
Mark (Babysan)
As you will hear today - Bob Tredway was involved in a host of activities. But I am here today to speak to you about Bob's involvement with Charlie Troop, 1/9 Cav, 1st Cavalry Division.Every single trooper, wife and child are here today in spirit
Bob was Charlie Troop's Commander in Viet Nam in 1969-1970, call sign Cavalier 6. And that so many people still think of him is a testament to his ability as our commander, as evidenced by this statement from one of his troopers
"he was well liked in VN by everyone".
When they learned of Bob's death - many of his troopers sent in comments about him and here are a few of them:
Bob Tredway was as fine an officer as you could ever find.
I remember Cavalier 6 coming in on a run to resupply us with ammo. We were under fire and his bird got peppered pretty badly - but still he came and hovered at 30 feet in heavy fire to shove out the ammo.
A soldiers' dream commander
A tall serious warrior
He was fearless. He was tough. He was fair.
He was a quiet, fine gentleman who loved the military and his country without reservation
He was a big man and I remember him getting into a loach and having to fold up his long legs so much that he reminded me of a grasshopper
But over time Bob evolved into more than just our commander - he became our mentor, our confidant and our friend. Here are some statements from the troopers about that aspect of Bob:
The ladies remember his hugs and kisses to their cheeks
His strong handshake and happy greeting
The positive way he touched so many of our lives
Bob Tredway was one hell of a man and I am going to miss him
He flew all the way to Alaska to be present for the HS graduation of my son
He loved Charlie Troop and every Charlie trooper loved him because we all knew how he felt
My wife Kim remembers his little smile when she brought him cookies in the hospital last month
I know the City of New Orleans pretty well, but Bob and Anne are explorers and they brought us a picture album of parts of the city that I never knew existed
We are all deeply saddened by the passing of Bob Tredway.
But one trooper summed up much of our thoughts with this brief but emphatic email .. NO
Another simply said:
He left the vivid air signed with his honor 5 minutes is not enough time to remember Bob Tredway that will take all the rest of our lives.
So simply let me say, Bob, we loved you and do still
-Mark 'Babysan' Hilton 3/19/09
Take comfort in knowing that now you have a special guardian angel to watch over you.C troop has lost a great friend and leader with the passing of Bob Tredway. He will be missed by all he has touched in his life's travels. May he rest in peace and go with God.
-Leo Marchand 3/21/09
I had the distinct priveledge to be commanded by Bob on 2 occasions. One in flight school and the other in Charlie Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cav, 1st Cav Division. He was an imposing figure of a commander, and would counsel when necessary, and praise more often.
I am saddened by his passing and my heart goes to the family and my prayers are with them.
-Vince Nelson 3/26/09