Charlie Troop Welcomes You


This ORIGINAL website was created by Walker Jones, and John "Jack" R. Schwarz. After Jack's passing in March, 2018, this website was removed from the web. It was rescued by Dennis Junger, a Charlie Trooper, who fully recognized this highly valuable website as a depository of Charlie Troop memories that must be preserved.

We hope this ORIGINAL Charlie Troop website remains a meeting place for Troopers, and their families. Please feel free to scout the AO (area of operations) by using the buttons on the left. Enjoy your stay, and please sign our guestbook before you leave.

We also are creating a LEGACY Charlie Troop website. The goal of our LEGACY website is to collect, and preserve forever, all of the sacrifices, stories, photos, and memories of Charlie Troopers in Vietnam. You are encouraged to visit this LEGACY website by clicking on this link.:

Charlie Troop, 1/9th Cav



If you were a member of Charlie Troop PLEASE consider joining our Facebook discussion group. Please copy and paste this web address into your browser:




 If you wish to contact us, please feel free to click on this link, and send us an email.

We would love to hear from you!

Charlie Troop




Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 John R. Schwarz
All content and images submitted to this web site remain the property of those individuals
and all rights and privileges are retained. Any use without express written permission is prohibited.