War Stories
And Such



We would like to encourage you troopers  to send in recollections
of your time with C Troop. Stories of camp life, humorous anecdotes,
sloppy hootchmates and the like. The hassles of moving to a new AO or
breaking in a new peter-P (or CO for that matter). Now's your chance to
unload without reprisal. Come on, you know you want to.


Black Stetsons, Golden Sabers
Lionel DeLaRosa

Little Sister Julie Kink's Speech at
Vietnam Woman's Memorial

Kurt Schatz Medivac Story
Kurt Schatz Kuykendall Story
Kurt Schatz Roommate Story

Ruminations on Veterans Day
Tom Criser

Bruce Huffman's Story of a Vietnamese youth.
Bruce Huffman's Story of Culinary Adventures
Bruce Huffman's Story of Unfulfilled Passion (Caution adult content)
Bruce Huffmans Story of a Brave Air Crew.
Bruce Huffman's Story of a LRRP Extraction
Bruce Huffman's Story of an unexpected reunion


Edd Hogeboom Reminisces
Edd Hogeboom -Flasher (Caution-Partial Nudity)
Edd Hogeboom tells of "Stupid Candidate Tricks"

Freedom: a poem by Phillip Gaudette

Veteran's Day Speech 2006 by Glenn Hess

Dancing the Foxtrot by Walker Jones

Pat Bieneman No Man Left Behind Part 1

Pat Bieneman No Man Left Behind Part 2

Pat Bieneman No Man Left Behind Part 3

Forrest Frields Above the A Shau

 Al DeMailo Tet: First In

 Al DeMailo The Only Gift That Matters

Al DeMailo Memorial Day Speech

Al DeMailo 1st Cav Magazine exerpt

Paul Hart's Remembrance of the SongRe 1967

Ray Janes, USAF FAC remembers the 1st/9th

Cavalier Monk Stories(in the works. You got one? Send it in.)