Then and Now

Page 17

Staff Sergeant Derald Jackson 'Raider Red Mike' was the Gun Platoon Sergeant. On the left in the Bong Son and on the right at the BWS reunion in 2002. (Aug.1967-Sep.1968)
Forrest Frields "Cavalier11 & 3X" was a Scout pilot and Admin. Officer. (11/67-11/68)

WO Doug Ashworth "Cavalier 16" was a Scout pilot. Seen at left as a FNG in 1969 and on the right in Dec. '02. The feel of that joystick between your legs still brings a smile huh Doug? (1/69-1/70)

SFC Steve Hundley 'Raider 8 Mike' was the Maintenance Platoon sergeant in late '66 and early '67. Seen at left as a Spc5 on a previous tour in '63. On the right is Steve at the Bullwhip reunion in 2002. Some guys get all the good genes. (6/66-5/67)

Spc5 Paul K. Harrison worked in the avionics shop. On the left in PhoucVinh in '70. On the right he's still looking fit behind that Van Dyke. ('70-'71)

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